Ein letztes großes Abenteuer bevor du den sicheren Hafen der Ehe ansteuerst?
Dein Junggesellenabschied, den Du mit Sicherheit nie mehr vergisst:
Herausfordernd? - Definitiv!
Action? – jede Menge, aber unverbindlich!
Spaß? – ohne Ende!
Qualität und Niveau? – auf jeden Fall!
...Schaffst Du diese Tour, ist Dein Eheleben ein Klacks!
Wir liefern also exquisite Canyoning Action und wenn ihr spezielle Ideen habt, was Aufgaben oder Accessoires für die oder den Glückliche(n) betrifft, dann helfen wir euch gerne bei der individuellen Umsetzung!
Wie im Eheleben auch, folgst Du mit Deinen besten Freund:Innen aufregenden Höhen und Tiefen, indem Du dem Bachlauf einer tief eingeschnittenen Schlucht, durch eine bizarre, hinreißende Kulisse aus unglaublichen Felsformationen und Wasserkaskaden folgst. Du meisterst dabei tausende Jahre alte Wasserfallrutschen und aufregende Sprünge aus unterschiedlichsten Höhen ins erfrischende Nass – so wie im Eheleben auch!
Wieder in der Zivilisation angekommen, überraschen wir euch mit einem Fass bachgekühltem – vom Guide versteckt mitgeführtem - Bier oder einer Flasche Prosecco und selbstverständlich halten wir dieses außergewöhnliche Erlebnis auch auf spektakulären Fotos fest.
Nach soviel Action musst Du auf keinerlei Komfort verzichten: Unsere heißen Duschen wirst Du genauso zu schätzen wissen, wie das „All you can eat“ BBQ Angebot im wunderschönen Gastgarten oder in der gemütlichen Stube und wenn Deine Feier länger dauern soll, dann ist auch eine Übernachtung mit herzhaftem Frühstück kein Problem.
Wenn Du Dich für ein Ganztagesprogramm interessierst, so kannst Du diese Tour mit dem Junggesellenspektakel in der Erlebnisschlucht kombinieren und zusätzlich ein Pick Nick an einem idyllischen Plätzchen buchen.
Leistungen und Vorteile:
- Staatlich geprüfte Guides mit 25 jähriger Erfahrung
- Individuelle Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung eurer JGA Ideen
- Top Ausrüstung
- Tourenspezifische Sicherheitseinweisung
- Shuttleservice
- Moderne Sanitäranlagen
- Restaurant vor Ort
- einwandfreier gesundheitlicher Zustand
- Badebekleidung und Handtuch
- Festes Schuhwerk, das nass werden darf (es können aber auch professionelle Canyoning Schuhe für 10,- Euro/Person ausgeliehen werden)
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An aquatic canyoning tour at it’s best!
This canyoning adventure is an extraordinary highlight if you love the element “water”:
You are discovering the amazing world of sun glittering waterfalls, inviting you to take a shower. You are enjoying crystal clear and ice-cold spring water inrushes inviting you to drink and natural pools with emerald green water. You are surrounded by waterfall slides, countless jumps, adorable rock formations and cascades of water drops.
And you are part of it!
Jumping, swimming, hiking, climbing, enjoying and rebelling means tons of fun, adventure, adrenalin and pleasure! This tour is as varied as exciting and the center part of the canyon awaits you with an exquisite special: At this part, the canyon is only 1 meter broad, but over 100 meters deep. You are swimming at the bottom of this narrow canyon, enjoying the power of nature!
Benefits & advantages:
- State certified Guides with more than 25 years of experience using the “Ranger principle” as an guidance method which means highest quality standards concerning individual safety, knowledge and adventure
- Special Equipment
- Tour related safety Equipment: socks and gloves
- Shuttleservice
- Sanitary facilities & culinary delicacies at our meeting point
- 14 years plus
- very good swimming knowledge and physical condition
- Preference for lots of (high) jumps
- Bathing suite & towel
- Sportshoes which are going to be wet (professional equipment can be rented for 10,- Euro per person)
- Eventually needed medicine
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The great combination of 2 outstanding programs: Canyoning “It’s an amazing world” & the unique Erlebnisschlucht Salzachklamm with mega zipline
Please find the detail descriptions of the tours at the particular canyoning or Erlebnisschlucht theme.
With the program Fly2Jump you will enjoy exquisite canyoning action and deep insights into a world of historical, geological and geographical wonders which will finally help you to understand, how the canyoning “playground” was made.
Benefits & advantages:
- Mega zipline
- Guided tour through the adventure gorge
- Nature trail with fossils & cave visit
- It’s an amazing world canyoning tour
- State certified Guides with more than 25 years of experience using the “Ranger principle” as an guidance method which means highest quality standards concerning individual safety, knowledge and adventure
- Special Equipment
- Tour related safety Equipment
- Canyoning shuttle service
- Sanitary facilities & culinary delicacies at our canyoning meeting point
- Comfortable outdoor wear, according to the weather conditions and sturdy shoes
- Bathing suite & towel
- Sportshoes which are going to be wet (professional equipment can be rented for 10,- Euro per person)
- Eventually needed medicine
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It´s an amazing world
EXKLUSIV: Canyoning Action & Understanding the wonders of nature
You will enter a totally new and amazing world discovering the paradise of canyons, waterfalls, white water and natural pools. You will not only be surrounded by waterfall slides, jumps, an adorable landscape and cascades of water drops, it is even better: You are part of it! Swimming, hiking, climbing, enjoying and rebelling means loads of fun, adventure, adrenalin and pleasure!
The priceless advantage of this canyon is, that specific attractions like jumps, waterfall slides or climbing sections can be enjoyed, but nobody has to, because they can be avoided by passing by on a save trail!
This is the advantage, which makes the difference and cannot be found anywhere else. Therewith “It’s an amazing world” is the perfect match for differing interests and ages.
Additionally we want you to enjoy all these adventures comfortably. Therefor you find sanitary facilities and culinary delicacies at our meeting point and a shuttleservice is included aswell!
Benefits & advantages:
- State certified Guides with more than 25 years of experience using the “Ranger principle” as an guidance method which means highest quality standards concerning individual safety, knowledge and adventure
- Special Equipment
- Tour related safety Equipment
- Shuttleservice
- Sanitary facilities & culinary delicacies at our meeting point
- Bathing suite & towel
- Sportshoes which are going to be wet (professional equipment can be rented for 10,- Euro per person)
- Eventually needed medicine
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Bounce, Baby!
Outstanding Canyoning Twinpack:
It’s an amazing world & Waterworld
…You are discovering the amazing world of sun glittering waterfalls, inviting you to take a shower. You are enjoying crystal clear and ice-cold spring water inrushes inviting you to drink and natural pools with emerald green water. You are surrounded by waterfall slides, countless jumps, adorable rock formations and cascades of water drops… for the whole day!
For more detailed information please refer to the particular canyoning theme.
Benefits & advantages:
- State certified Guides with more than 25 years of experience using the “Ranger principle” as an guidance method which means highest quality standards concerning individual safety, knowledge and adventure
- Special Equipment
- Tour related safety Equipment: socks and gloves
- Shuttleservice
- Sanitary facilities & culinary delicacies at our meeting point
- 14 years plus
- very good swimming knowledge and physical condition
- Preference for lots of (high) jumps
- Bathing suite & towel
- Sportshoes which are going to be wet (professional equipment can be rented for 10,- Euro per person)
- Eventually needed medicine
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